success stories

Read more about what we’ve been able to do for other companies, and what we can do for you.

Food & Beverage/Restaurant
A Company More Than 100 Years Old Updates its Values and Expects Results
Supporting Leaders for Larger, More Complex Roles
Healthcare: University Medical Center
Top 3 School of Medicine Prepares for the Future by Hiring Internationally Recognized Bioinformatics Leader
Executive Coaching – A Key to Success
Leadership team-building with Team Dynamics methodology
Healthcare: University Medical Center
Institute of Informatics, Washington University, School of Medicine
Connecting Teams
Healthcare: Academic Medical Center
Retail: Plus-size Women’s Clothing
Leadership Onboarding with on target® executive coaching
Retail: Plus-size Women’s Clothing
Retail Apparel and Home Fashions
Leadership Onboarding with are you connected?® and the building connections® Tool
Retail: Plus-size Women’s Clothing
Team Coaching
Health Care, Children’s Hospitals
Team Dynamics
Children’s Fashion Retailer

Our team-connect Survey Process


We start with thoughtfully diagnosing the team’s current culture by using available data, assessments and interviews.

This provides the team leader with a clear view of what is getting in the way of the team’s success.

We design a series of structured team sessions that:

  • Share the team culture analysis
  • Give team members the opportunity to talk through both processes and behaviors that need to be addressed
  • Productively provide feedback to one another
  • Develop both team and individual commitments that will lead to the team’s desired state


Measure progress by leveraging CTD’s team-connect Survey to:

  • Drive accountability and measure progress by collecting team feedback specific to one another’s engagement and behavioral change
  • Provide the team’s leader with a clear understanding of what he/she and the team need from each other to enable and support the team’s success
  • Share team and individual survey result reports