Connect the Dots Latest Book: The Talent Selection and Onboarding Toolkit…



Connect the Dots Consulting Partner Erika Lamont’s new book, The Talent Selection and Onboarding Tool Kit: How to Find, Hire, and Develop the Best of the Best is available for sale. The book, co-authored by Anne Bruce, helps demonstrate that the key to an organization’s success is finding the right people at the right time. This book is now available for purchase from Amazon.

“The Talent Selection and Onboarding Pocket Tool Kit provides relevant and easy-to-apply ideas and strategies for anyone who is hiring and onboarding talent in their organizations,” says Erika Lamont, Partner of Connect the Dots Consulting. “New hires expect much of their prospective employers and are making decisions about whether they want to join or stay with organizations from those very early interactions.”

“The rise of social media and our increasingly interconnected world has changed the face of recruiting, hiring and onboarding over the past years, and it’s critical to stay current and be able to tap into the best talent that the market has to offer.” Lamont adds, “This guide acts as a ‘tool kit,’ enabling you to pull out what you need for your situation and use it effectively.”

Our team-connect Survey Process


We start with thoughtfully diagnosing the team’s current culture by using available data, assessments and interviews.

This provides the team leader with a clear view of what is getting in the way of the team’s success.

We design a series of structured team sessions that:

  • Share the team culture analysis
  • Give team members the opportunity to talk through both processes and behaviors that need to be addressed
  • Productively provide feedback to one another
  • Develop both team and individual commitments that will lead to the team’s desired state


Measure progress by leveraging CTD’s team-connect Survey to:

  • Drive accountability and measure progress by collecting team feedback specific to one another’s engagement and behavioral change
  • Provide the team’s leader with a clear understanding of what he/she and the team need from each other to enable and support the team’s success
  • Share team and individual survey result reports