All you need is internet access, a laptop or smartphone, and the desire to make a positive change.
Coaching sessions can be canceled with 24 hour notice. Simply email your coach and let them know that you need to cancel.
You can schedule a coaching session my using our Book Appointment link located on our client coaching page (link provided by your coach). Select your coach from the list of available coaches then pick a time that works for you.
The key purpose of our complimentary 30-minute consultation is to discuss your current situation and immediate development need. You and your coach will agree to your objective(s) and you will receive a detailed summary and agreement for the engagement.
All discussions with your coach are confidential. You and your coach will agree to any information or themes that may be shared with your stakeholders to further support your development. Our contract includes a confidentiality statement.
Having a good relationship with your coach is paramount to a successful outcome. If you feel that you are not happy with your coach, we will seek a suitable replacement.
If you and your coach agree that an assessment would be helpful to your coaching objective, she will review the results from an assessment that you have taken in the past and based on the timeframe and purpose of the assessment, determine whether or not you should take another assessment.
Connect the Dots coaches are certified and experienced with a wide range of development assessment tools. Options include Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Clifton Strengths, Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i), DiSC and are you connected?.
This is a great opportunity to provide coaching support for individual members of your team or organization. In our 30-minute discovery session, we will discuss your objectives and get specific about your team’s profile and needs. We can then put together a block of coaching hours that can be distributed within your organization.
Dublin, Ohio 855.316.8161
Denver, Colorado 720.355.3609
© Copyright 2022 Connect The Dots
We start with thoughtfully diagnosing the team’s current culture by using available data, assessments and interviews.
This provides the team leader with a clear view of what is getting in the way of the team’s success.
We design a series of structured team sessions that:
Measure progress by leveraging CTD’s team-connect Survey to: