Connect the Dots Managing Director Brenda Hampel Speaking at MEDINFO 2023 – Sydney, Australia



Brenda will be part of a panel discussion with Washington University colleagues Andrea Kressel, Cynthia Marich, and Philip Payne, Ph.D. The panel topic is: The great disconnection: What leaders in academic medicine need to know and do to engage and develop talent.


Recent years have served as an accelerator for organizations to transform traditional workplace norms to more holistically support today’s workforce. Organizations can no longer argue that productivity decreases in the hybrid setting. Skilled knowledge workers in a healthcare and academic setting are in demand; if they are not entrusted to personalize and adjust their workdays, they will go elsewhere. To manage effectively, Peter Drucker writes, “means to face up to the new realities. It means starting out with the question, ‘what is the world really like?’ rather than with assertions and assumptions that made sense only a few years ago.”

Learning objectives:

  • Define leadership traits and competencies needed for successfully managing today’s academic healthcare workforce, including managing ambiguity and instilling trust in colleagues and employees
  • Address gaps that exist in much of the academic health workforce to support professional development and career transitions
  • Provide current academic healthcare workforce data to support how to lead today’s knowledge workers
  • Discuss tools that align most effectively for a hybrid workforce

Our team-connect Survey Process


We start with thoughtfully diagnosing the team’s current culture by using available data, assessments and interviews.

This provides the team leader with a clear view of what is getting in the way of the team’s success.

We design a series of structured team sessions that:

  • Share the team culture analysis
  • Give team members the opportunity to talk through both processes and behaviors that need to be addressed
  • Productively provide feedback to one another
  • Develop both team and individual commitments that will lead to the team’s desired state


Measure progress by leveraging CTD’s team-connect Survey to:

  • Drive accountability and measure progress by collecting team feedback specific to one another’s engagement and behavioral change
  • Provide the team’s leader with a clear understanding of what he/she and the team need from each other to enable and support the team’s success
  • Share team and individual survey result reports