Onboard Like a CEO: 6 Strategies from the Corner Office that Will Engage and Develop Your New Hires – Part 3 of 3 installments of this series



Here are the remaining two of the six strategies borrowed from executive onboarding that you can implement immediately to quickly build organizational knowledge and key relationships and deliver timely feedback to adjust and avoid negative turnover.

As a quick review, part 1 in this 3-part series focused on two onboarding strategies for new hires: 1) making a personal connection by helping them feel like the organization is expecting them, and 2) regulating the amount of information they get. In part 2 we explored two more strategies: 1) focus on building relationships, and 2) create early wins.

Strategy #5: Deliver Early Feedback
Feedback is typically the missing ingredient in an impactful onboarding experience. All new hires need to understand how they are doing and unfortunately, many don’t get the timely feedback they need and deserve.

Integrate these formal feedback components into your current onboarding experience for all new hires. This builds trust and transparency as well as skills for managers and HR partners to have these critical conversations that could literally “save” someone.

  • Feedback should be early and often.
  • Formal feedback is critical at the 45–60-day mark.
  • Both the new hire and manager can ask for feedback.
  • Make the feedback “generationally appropriate.”

The current workforce is now the one with the most diverse demographics in history. Organizations can use this “cheat sheet” to

The current workforce is now the one with the most diverse demographics in history. Organizations can use this “cheat sheet” to remember how each generation prefers to be given feedback:

Boomers generally view feedback to ensure growth and development. They value clear, direct feedback and tend to take criticism very seriously. Baby Boomers also appreciate feedback that is well-researched and backed up by evidence.

Gen Xers see feedback as an opportunity to improve and develop professionally. They prefer feedback that is goal-oriented and results-driven. Gen Xers also value feedback that is honest and open, and they prefer to receive it in a private setting.

Millennials view feedback as a way to build trust and understanding. They tend to be open to constructive criticism, and they appreciate feedback that is solution-oriented. Millennials also value feedback that is timely and consistent.

Gen Z views feedback as a form of collaboration with their colleagues and supervisors. They prefer feedback that is direct and actionable. Gen Zers also appreciate feedback that is tailored to their individual needs and goals.
Source: Hello Leaders Feb 2023

Lastly, an organization’s culture can literally make or break a new hire’s success. If they are not open to feedback and don’t agree or align with the values and behaviors, onboarding, and integration are at risk. One of the many benefits of a formal, structured onboarding experience is that both the new hire and the organization will have early indicators during onboarding that can be reinforced (keep doing that, it’s great!) or curtailed (stop doing that, it’s not good!).

Strategy #6: Don’t Underestimate Culture.
Here are a few things to remember and talk with your new hires about to make sure they are “getting” your culture:

  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast – technically strong, experienced new hires can struggle with the “how” of an organization.  Make sure you are actively discussing how things are done as well as “what” needs to be done.
  • Most new hires fail due to a lack of alignment with the culture and not because of skills.
  • Share the “unwritten rules” of success:
    • What are the non-negotiables?
    • What is the language?
    • How are decisions made?
    • Where are the power bases?
    • How do you influence without direct authority?
  • Create a Cultural Roadmap – describe desired behaviors, rules of engagement, and how to get things done in your organization.


Impact on the Organization
In a nutshell, the impact on your organization is significant if your new hires feel as important and as valued as the CEO.

Here are the ways that the new hires benefit:
Connectedness to the purpose/mission of the org
• Clear sight to contributions to that mission
• Feeling of being valued
• Ownership
• Increased discretionary effort
• Increased engagement
Pride in work/workplace
• Higher productivity
• Increased creativity/innovation

As you can see, the business Case for Effective Onboarding is clear, and the secrets for success can be found inside the senior leadership onboarding best practices.

Drop us a note to share your success stories or challenges of your new hire experience. We would appreciate the opportunity to share our methods and help you supercharge your onboarding experience!

If you missed part 1 of this 3 part series, click here.

If you missed part 2 of this 3 part series, click here.

Our team-connect Survey Process


We start with thoughtfully diagnosing the team’s current culture by using available data, assessments and interviews.

This provides the team leader with a clear view of what is getting in the way of the team’s success.

We design a series of structured team sessions that:

  • Share the team culture analysis
  • Give team members the opportunity to talk through both processes and behaviors that need to be addressed
  • Productively provide feedback to one another
  • Develop both team and individual commitments that will lead to the team’s desired state


Measure progress by leveraging CTD’s team-connect Survey to:

  • Drive accountability and measure progress by collecting team feedback specific to one another’s engagement and behavioral change
  • Provide the team’s leader with a clear understanding of what he/she and the team need from each other to enable and support the team’s success
  • Share team and individual survey result reports